A happy French demonstration for an energy transition in Paris 9th march 2013

French protest against nuclear power, Paris 9th March 2013 by "Porteursdelanternes.com"
Two year ago today, Fukushima's power plants exploded. About 250 km square wasted for a lifetime. Hundreds of thousand people forced to leave their houses. 

People around the world did not forget. In Taipei, 100 000 people walked in tne street on the 9th March 2013 to protest against Nuclear power. The protest took place simultaneously in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Taitung City in northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan respectively, just two days before the second anniversary of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant accident on March 11, 2011.

Police estimate that close to 70,000 people joined the protests in different areas of Taiwan. However, the event’s organizers said about 200,000 have taken part in nationwide demonstrations, making it the largest anti-nuclear protest in Taiwan to date.

28 000 people in Germany at Grohnde, Günzburg and Neckarwestheim and Gronau. In paris, 20 000 people formed a human chain to protest against nuclear power.

To conclude an amazing video of the French people protest against nuclear power, Paris 9th march 2013 provided by Porteursdelanternes.com

Chaîne Humaine du 9 mars 2013 par Porteursdelanternes BobbyManhattan

Instagram : robertnai
